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Fear-Smear-apalooza '06

Get ready for the festivities! Political Strategist Karl 'Bush's Brain' Rove held commencement ceremonies yesterday, kicking off 10 solid months of fear mongering and smear campaigns the likes of which have not been seen since 2002!

Ok, so Karl didn’t actually hold a ‘commencement ceremony’ Friday, just a rare public appearance before Republican activists. He said that the goal of the GOP should be to make national security the key issue come November.

Realize what he should have said was that the goal was the scare the crap out of the American people enough that they would be willing to vote for whoever seemed most likely to be there ‘Protectors’, namely Republicans. Smear campaigns will also help in solidifying the notation that Democrats are weak on defense or soft on terror.

One such smear tactic being used quite heavily lately, particularly in the wake of the recent Bin Laden audiotape, is the comparison of Democrats to the Al-Qaeda leader. Talk show hosts, as well as some GOP members, have been suggesting that Bin Laden seems to be getting his talking points from Democrats.

Course there is also the 'critics are traitors' tactic. This one claims that criticism of how the President has chosen to persecute his ‘war on terror’ (i.e. indefinite detentions, the Iraq war, warrantless wiretapping) is somehow aiding the enemy. This tactic is particularly reprehensible because it makes honest dissenters seem like traitors. Not agreeing with the President has become tantamount to treason.

But if I remember my history correctly, not agreeing with ones leader was how this country was founded.

What I find ironic about Karl's throwing down the gauntlet is here we have a man who was involved in the leaking of a undercover CIA operative’s identity proclaiming the need to appear tough on national security.

(Originally posted on Yahoo360)