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Opening The Files: 10/23/06

Stay the Course. Or not.

Yesterday during an interview for ABC's This Week, President Bush apparently was under the misimpression that even though he is the leader of the free world, people don't really listen to what he has to say. He claimed that his administration has "never been 'stay the course'" when it comes to Iraq.

But thanks to such marvelous inventions as the printing press, video cameras and audio recorders, we have numerous ways of documenting just how much the Bush administration has never been 'stay the course'.

Joe says Bush lied. So what else is new?

Steve Young has a poll going for the response Tony Snow will give about the President's 'course correction'.

Jon Perr says that even though Bush has now cut and run on stay the course, it's still #5 on the Bushboard.

Suzanne Nossel thinks the Bush administration's exit strategy is the same as the one that got us into Iraq: mislead the public. Lies in, lies out as they say.

Joe Gandelman tells us about the saddest part of this revision of recent history.

Elsewhere in the blogs...

Steve Gillard reminds us that Iraq has always been about one thing: Bush.

Tristero teaches us about the difference between Leaders and Lemmings.

And finally, Emptypockets says that ever since 2001, Americans have sought to bring order to the chaos. Unfortunately, the Bush administration and their enablers in the Congress have only brought us more chaos.

(Filed at State of the Day)
