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Wanted: WMD

War for Media Distraction.

Things have not been going well for Bush and the GOP this election season:

--An NIE comes to light that says the war in Iraq is making terrorism worse, a conclusion the American people had already reached on their own.

--Bob Woodward concedes that Bush has not been telling the truth about the war (welcome to the majority, Bob). He also reveals that Condi Rice apparently ignored pre-9/11 warnings, as did Rummy and Ashcroft, of impending attacks by Al-Qaeda.

--The GOP House leadership, so embroiled in CYA over Foleygate, has found themselves in total disarray barely one month before a critical election.

Simply put, we are in the midsts of an explosion the likes of which haven't been seen in a while. This makes the need for a distraction all the more imperative if a Democratic takeover of Congress is to be averted. And that spells one thing.


I know there has been a lot of talk shooting through the Intertubes about a war with Iran being this year's October Surprise. But with all of the above scandals (and many more I am probably missing), I think any attack on Iran would better be characterized as an October Distraction.

Check out Billmon, TalkLeft, and Arthur Silber for more.

Update: The Poll Toll.