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Shades of a 'Nam Redux

Vietnam has been in the news a lot this week, prompted by President Bush's first ever visit to the country he avoided in his youth. The media and blogs couldn't help but note the parallels of that war with our current situation in Iraq. Adding fuel to that comparison, Bush even went so far as to channel Henry Kissinger when he said that "We will succeed unless we quit."

Of course Kissinger has now come forward and said that a military victory in Iraq is "impossible" and that we need to negotiate with it's neighbors. I don't think this idea sits well with the Bushies, since according to a rather lengthy article by Sy Hersh, they are determined to stovepipe intelligence to turn Iran into the Cambodia to Iraq's Vietnam and that Cheney says there is nothing the Democrats can to about it.

Actually, Dick, there is. And maybe it's time they think about putting it back on the table.

Tailrank has reaction roundups to Kissinger here and Hersh here. Meme has more on Hersh here. Be sure to check out Weldon Berger as well.

(Filed at State of the Day)