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Opening The Files: 8/10/06

Sore Loserman

I know this moniker has been batted about quite a bit to describe Joe Lieberman's response to the "partisan win" on Tuesday. Funny, but I thought allowing the voters to choose who represents them was an integral part of a democracy. Silly me must have had that wrong because rather than admit the voters made their choice (they suck), Joe's gonna run anyway as an independent.

Blogenfreude tries to explain the meaning of the term "partisanship" to Mr. Lieberman.

Josh wonders, since Kenny Boy wouldn't endorse the Republican candidate for CT and Karl Rove has apparently offered help from "the boss", what does that make Joe?

John and Christy have the scoop on why the GOP is so worried about what Lieberman's loss means.

Billmon notes the bit of unintentional honesty by Joe in his not-so-concession speech.


Watch out you 'evildoers' in Iraq. Lindsey Lohan is coming and she's packin'.

And finally, now that we have learned the elephants have the capacity for compassion, anyone think it's time the GOP drops these passion filled pachyderms as their mascot?
