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If I Only Had a Brain

WASHINGTON (XF) - In a startling revelation, The Xsociate Files has learned that President George W. Bush does not possess a brain. According to a Top Secret addendum attached to the results from the President's annual physical, doctors discovered the missing organ after conducting a routine CAT scan of the commander-in-chief. In place of a brain, the addendum reads, was a "transparent gelatinous substance" which one physician described as "clear jello".

"The doctors were really bewildered by this," the source who provided a copy of the addendum to XF said, "They couldn't figure out how someone could survive, much less govern, without a brain."

Critics of the administration claim this revelation is not surprising given Bush's performance as president.

"You'd have to be empty headed to make some of the decisions he [Bush] has," one analyst said.

(h/t Christopher for inspiration)



Back at you, handsome.

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