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The Police State Formerly Known as America.

The "war on terror" has finally come home. Working off of the "Broader is Better" motto, the Bush administration has proposed legislation regarding detainees that goes far beyond mere trials for suspected terrorists. The draft of the bill includes language that some legal experts say could be used to allow the indefinite detention of US citizens with tenuous ties to terrorism.

This legislation really isn't surprising. Undoubtedly the administration would love to be able to apply its provisions to those it perceives as "the enemy". One can almost see the likes of Cindy Sheehan being among the first to be rounded up and sent off to Repatriotization Centers courtesy of some Halliburton subsidiary. And given that the person who would be tasked with determining who is and is not a 'suspect' is the same man who so mangled the definition of torture as to make it almost irrelevent, these concerns are not without merit.

That knock at the door? Why that's just the government coming to take you away. Oh wait, I forgot. They don't bother to knock anymore either.

Welcome to Bush's America.