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Daft on the Draft

It's really hard to know what to make of Rep. Charles Rangel's call for reinstating the draft. While I understand the sentiment (that Repubs would be less inclined to start wars they knew their kids might called upon to serve in), from a practical standpoint an American public already soured on the war is unlikely to back adding more bodies to the pyre. And the move is just as unlikely to find support amongst Democrats favoring redeployment, a fact one would think Rangel would have learned by the defeat of his previous resurrection attempts.

I agree with Joe that this doesn't help the Democrats one bit. Not only will the Right seize on it as evidence of flawed leadership but it does nothing to help counter the image of 'infighting' and 'Dem disarray' that the liberal media is so willing to push. The less weight that can be added to the already tipped scales the better.

More can be found at Meme and Tailrank.

(Filed at State of the Day)