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Opening The Files: Election 2006

As voters head to the polls today, a lot more than just control of Congress is at stake. To put it bluntly, the soul of who we are as a nation rests in the hands of the people, as any true democracy should. But to the current crop of liars, thugs and criminals in our government, democracy is antipathy to their notion how they wish to rule. The will of the people be damned, as Cheney not so subtilely put it recently. What we want does not matter. War will continue to be waged against a country that did not threaten us. Americans and Iraqis will continue to die based on an ever evolving series of lies. Money will continue to be plundered from the national coffers to line the pockets of a select few, the debt bore on the backs of those yet to be born. Our rights will continue to be stripped from us, all under the pretense of the need for security.

Bush was wrong when he said that he's "The Decider". Today is our day to prove it.

The Anonymous Liberal: Some Advice on Election Day.

AMERICAblog: Iraq, Iraq, Iraq. And the elections.

Matthew Rothschild: Bush and Cheney and Their Disdain for Democracy.

James Carroll: What will it take to end war.

The Reaction: It's the war in Iraq.

No Quarter: Why Today Matters So Much.

Matthew Yglesias: The Morning After.

And finally from YouTube: Iraq, Broken (Warning: Graphic. But then reality always is.)

(Filed at State of the Day)

