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Insane in the Beltway

BETHESDA (XF) - In a decision that is sure to rile critics, The Xsociate Files has learned that The National Institute of Mental Health has taken to classifying opposition to the Bush administration has a mental disorder. The Director of the Institute, Dr. Stan Izzicrazzi, denied allegations that pressure from the administration prompted the classification.

"There is no truth to those charges," Dr. Izzicrazzi said, "We received legitimate complaints about individuals exhibiting signs of confusion and trauma. But we are hopeful that with the proper treatment, these individuals can go on to live happy, healthy, pro-Bush lifestyles."

Critics claim the move is a sure sign that desperation is setting in at the White House after the recent pushback from Republican members of Congress over proposed legislation regarding the detention and interrogation of terrorism suspects.

"They've taken to characterizing any opposition as insane just to make their own approach appear reasonable," one political analyst said, "But if opposing torture and war makes one a mental patient then call me crazy."
